What people commonly understand about back pain is outdated. Commonly held beliefs like bed rest, pain medication and surgery have been proven to be less effective and more risky than taking an active approach to recovery.
Read MoreHeadache symptoms originating from the neck, otherwise known as cervicogenic headache, are often overlooked as the source of the problem. This type of headache stands as only 1 of over 300 potential diagnoses known to modern medicine. As a result, cervicogenic headache is emerging as a frequently MISSED diagnosis. As a guide to health professionals, and of course to sufferers, here are some signs from the Watson Headache Institute that your neck is to blame:
Read MoreIncreasing running mileage in preparation for a race or goal unfortunately does increase injury risk. So, what can you do to avoid becoming one of those unfortunate people who suffer an injury from running?
Read MoreThe World Health Organisation recommends that adults aged 18–64 do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity throughout the week.1 However with more and more people becoming time poor and unable to fit exercise into their daily lives, there has been a strong movement towards the ‘weekend warrior’ lifestyle. A weekend warrior refers to a person that crams their recommended weekly dose of exercise into 1-2 days (mostly on the weekend) rather than spreading it evenly across the week.
Read MoreShoulder pain is a very common problem that many people will experience in their lifetime. Your shoulder is a highly mobile ball and socket joint made up of several components including the humeral bone, scapula, strong tendons, ligaments, muscles, synovial fluid and a bursa. It allows us to be able to freely move our arm and accomplish many tasks due to its degree of movement. However, this also makes it more susceptible to injury as it is not as it is less stable than other joints in your body.
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